The Constitution of Pakistan Islamic Republic Of Pakistan, 1973 Constitution Of Pakistan, Constitution Of The Islamic Republic Of Pakistan 1973, Abdul Rauf Official Creations

The Constitution of Pakistan Islamic Republic Of Pakistan, 1973 Constitution Of Pakistan, Constitution Of The Islamic Republic Of Pakistan 1973


In April 1972, Martial Law was lifted and  an interim constitution was promulgated in the country. A committee of 25 members of the National  Assembly of Pakistan was constituted to frame a permanent Constitution. All the major parties were given representation on this Committee.

Zulfikar Ali Bhuttowent to Simla and signed an agreement with the indian leaders and got the release of prisoners of war. Pakistan and India agreed to hold mutual negotiations on the issues of Kashmir and exchange of the prisoners of war (POW).The Constitutional Committee presented tha draft  Constitution in the Assembly which unanimously passed it on April 10,1973. This Constitution was enforced on August 14,1973.

The 1973 Constitution Of Pakistan

This Constitution provided for a bi-cameral Legislature for the first time. Representation in the National Assembly was based on population whereas in the Senate all the four provinces were given equal representation. the right of the provincial autonomy was clearly accept in the Constitiution of  1973 and the delimination of powers and authority was laid down.

The Constitution of Pakistan Islamic Republic Of Pakistan, 1973 Constitution Of Pakistan, Constitution Of The Islamic Republic Of Pakistan 1973

Provisions pertaining to Islam were more or less the same as were provided in 1956 and 1962 Copnstitiutions. Although for the first time it was declared that islam would be the state religion of Pakistan. The previous constitutions did not give the defination of a Muslim . But by an amendment in 1974, the definition of a muslim was made part of the constitution. According to this provision, it was said that a person who believed in the Unity of God and the finality of prophethood would alone b demanded o be muslim. The main object of this amendment was to declare Ahmadis a non-Muslim community. In South Asia, this was the demand of the Muslim religious elements for the last many years. After the establishment of Paksitan, Majlis Ahrar and other religious groups led violent agitation against Ahmadis which reached such an uncontrollable pass that Martial law had to be imposed in the city of Lahore in 1953 and armed forces were called in to control the law and order situation.

The  1973 Constitution made it obligatory for the president and the Prime Minister to be Muslim. The President, the Prime Minister, the Members of National Assembly and the Senate, the  Provincial Goverors and all minister were required to take oath of protecting the Islamic Ideology. The 1973 Constitution Constitution also provided for the establishment of an Islamic Ideological Council 

Abdul Rauf Official Creations

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